Still Enjoying Vacation
PostedYeah, I know it has been a while. Ritzy and I are still in Wisconsin enjoying our visit with his family.
The visit has taken some unexpected turns and kept Ritzy busy, but he is enjoying being able to help his parents. Also, I am so glad we are here to help out.
We all (brothers & sisters) met the other night and had dinner. This is the first time in 24 years that Ritzy and ALL of his brothers and sisters have been together. That's kind of sad, but you know everyone gets their own schedule and life and it's hard sometimes to get together. I will just say we had a wonderful time catching up while enjoying a wonderful dinner.
I guess we have another week to stay here before we head back to Oklahoma. It is supposed to "cool off" tomorrow. In Wisconsin terms its gonna be kind of cold when factoring in the wind chill.........I think the wind is only supposed to be blowing 40 mph ;-)
I haven't been doing much, just helping out when I can and cooking which I love to do.
Sure hope them kids are keeping the homefront going........they better be!!!!!!!!!
I sit here looking out the dining room and the leaves sure have been falling. This time of year always makes me a little sad. I love to see everything in full bloom and all leafed out. Although Fall is a very pretty season, it still reminds us that Winter is not far behind.
Ritzywife is going to have another cup of coffee and think about what the day holds...Out for now....