PostedI hope everyone had a safe and happy new year. Ritzy and I went up to the parent's for a couple of hours. We took "Bubba" & Sissy" with us. Around 7:30 Sissy comes to me and says she is ready to go to Nana's. So off we go to Nana's. We watch a movie and when it is over Ritzy decides he has had enough "fun" for one night. By this time is is 10pm. After getting home we take our baths and go to bed. Yup, the old year went and the new year arrived while Ritzy and I were cutting zzzzzzzzz's.......
I guess that is what happens when you get old, huh??????
Today everyone met at Mom & Dad's and ate New Year's dinner together. The food was wonderful....and yes we all had our black-eyed peas. (for good luck in the new year)
When we all meet up there, sometimes there is dessert and sometimes not. Well something must have "gotten" into the cooks of the family cause we had just about as much dessert as food. There was cheesecake, cookies, pumpkin pie and I fixed a peach cobbler. I had some of those Porter peaches that I had gotten earlier in the year to use up. Mom even had vanilla ice cream to go with it all. YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
Now........ is guess it is time to get back to a normal routine......whatever that is. It is still taking Ritzy and I a while to get back to our routine. Since he returned in October, we have made two trips to Wisconsin, then came the holidays and now that they are over maybe we can start the new year getting used to each other again ;-)
I think I am about to get over this nasty cold that I picked up right before Christmas. Still have an annoying cough.
Time for me to start thinking about taking the Christmas decorations down. I hate doing that because I love Christmas and everything that goes with it.......
Now all that is missing is some of that winter weather........come on snow!!!!!!!
Ritzywife is outta here!!