{{{{{{HOT !!!!!!}}}}}}
PostedIf you don't like hot weather, then you are out of luck here in Oklahoma. This past week we were under an "excessive heat warning" and it still continues into this next week. You can't go outside without the sweat rolling off you in a couple of minutes. Ritzy is crazy and I told him so. Yesterday he was cutting some hickory wood over at my brother's place. He finally called me around 2pm to let me know he was quitting and coming home to mow the lawn. He kept finding things to do outside and I was a little worried. He kept drinking that water tho. Went thru several bottles of water........With all the late rains, the grass is still growing. By now the grass is usually starting to turn brown, but not this year. Ritzy is not going to get a break in the mowing .
He gives the hickory to our neighbor who owns the store/bait shop. He smokes meat nearly every day. We use some when we grill outside. I told him it was to darn hot to be running that chainsaw.
We start Vacation Bible School at our church tomorrow. It goes from 5:00pm -8:30pm every night. I told Ritzy that if he wanted dinner he was going to have to help at VBS. Actually we eat from 5 - 6. I already told the son that he was on his own for dinner this week.
VBS sure makes for a busy week, but it is so funny to watch those little kids.......
I had better get off here and get some rest, cause I am certainly gonna need it, Ritzywife out.......................