Well after a slow start to our stormy season, we are catching up it seems. The past 10 days or so have been pretty wild "weather-wise" here in Oklahoma. Have had terrible destructive tornadoes south and west of us. On May 31 (which is my Dad's birthday) there was a tornado just a few miles from home. Here is the picture my son took: While we were all in the cellar, he and the son-in-law were over on the bridge taking this picture. I thought they were just outside the cellar all this time. YIKES!!! It has been a long time since we have had to use the "frady hole"... The lake is up 11 ft. above normal. Hard to believe... because just 3 months ago it was 4 ft. below normal. Wow.....what a difference a little time and a few rainstorms make here in Oklahoma!! You guessed it....my crappie fishing is over for the year. It never really got going because of the unseasonably cool spring. But, I did get enough for the freezer so I won't complain too much. Ritzy's garden is doing pretty good. We had to replant our okra. Can hardly wait to cook some of that in the future. Those grandsons have been keeping us busy and entertained. They are just too much fun to watch. We let them make and play in mud last week, they loved it!!! Got it all over themselves. Braedy had to taste it and Calvin thought he needed to sit in it, haha! I was sitting outside a couple nights ago and needed a jacket on an Oklahoma June evening.....WOW! The weather has been so strange the past few years, it's impossible to predict what it will do next.... I just called the daughter to see if the grandsons could spend the night Saturday nite and go to church with Ritzy and I Sunday morning. Saturday is their Uncle Matt's birthday. I talked to him earlier and asked what he would like me to fix for his dinner that night. Told the daughter to bring family over to eat and the grandsons could just stay with Ritzy and I. It's a go!!! I think I feel the need for a nap before starting supper...............Ritzywife out!